Friday 18 February 2011

Day 40: Mirror image

              •  Shirt: Marks and Spencer
              • Jeggings: Marks and Spencer
              • Boots: Clarks but not pictured as not on the cream carpet thank you

It is somewhat ironic that the day I have to answer the weekly Friend Friday questions on Body Image is the day I struggle to find a picture I am happy to post. I think that is to do with the change of location, the outfit and partly because I just feel blah! The shirt has now been worn twice since washing and as it is the end of the day has become rather crumpled and voluminous and I am not sure that buttoning it right up is the most flattering.

1. Since you started blogging has your image of yourself changed?
I think my body image has changed for the better. This is partly because photographing myself every day has made me more accepting of my size, shape, flaws and more aware of my good points. However, what has provided me with the most encouragement is seeing other bloggers of all shapes and sizes embracing fashion and loving life, particularly when we are bombarded every day with perfect airbrushed images on line, in print and on film.

2. Are you self-conscious about any aspect of yourself? If so, do you go out of your way to avoid it or do you post it/talk about it anyway?
I am generally quite self conscious as am probably just under the heaviest I have ever been and would like to be fitter, healthier and thinner, but I don't have hung ups about any specific aspect of myself. I tend to focus on the fashion and what works and what doesn't rather than discuss my body image in my blog.

3. Based on how you are feeling now, what do you think the future holds in the evolution of your body image?
I expect to continue to have good days and bad days but hopefully more good than bad.

4. Do you photograph yourself for your blog? If so, how do you feel about the experience when you're having your picture taken? If you choose not to post pictures of yourself, what prompted that decision?
I post daily photographs for my blog and I do take quite a lot of pictures in order to get at least one I am happy with. I take my own pictures using a timer and I still feel a little foolish doing this but know I would be far more self concious if someone else was taking them.

5. What would you want every person who struggles with body image to take to heart?

I am not the best person to give advice as I am not entirely happy or accepting of my own image. I would however, say to those who struggle with body image to realise that everyone has flaws and everyone has beauty and you need to learn to love yourself, work with what you've got and remember image is just on the outside and one small part of what makes you beautiful and unique.


  1. Hi Lori,

    I can completely relate to this - especially your answers to question 4.

    I just joined the fbff group and saw the link to your blog and didn't want to leave without saying hello! I love blogs like this with OOTD pics. I hope to start doing that soon, too. :-)

  2. When ever take the picture then we keep on staring our self. Such that we all not like images. And the questions which you have asked are very genuine.

  3. Hi Joy

    Thanks for the comment, and hello to you too.

    I am quite new to blogging too and really enjoying the community.

    I am posting daily as have set myself a challenge to wear a different outfit for a year and no clothes purchases so I have something driving me but it is lots of fun so far.

    Looking forward to reading how you get on with fbff this week.

    Lori xo
